
Moth Rope Nights

Moth Rope Nights

Rope Night yleisinfo:

Moth Rope Nights on moderni nyökkäys 1900-luvun puolivälin underground-klubien avantgarde-hengelle aikana, jolloin ei-valtavirtaan kuuluvia erotisismin muotoja sisältäviä tapahtumia järjestettiin piilossa yleiseltä katseelta.

Motin illoissa yhdistyy mahdollisuus tutustua Shibari-sidontaan, muihin aiheesta kiinnostuneisiin ja viettää rentoa tunnelmallista klubi-iltaa musiikista ja sallivasta ilmapiiristä nauttien.

Tule sitomaan tai tutustumaan etäämmältä, inspiroitumaan vaikkapa oman taiteen tekemisen pariin ja lataamaan akkuja Taidesaaren ilmapiirissä.

Mitä odottaa (iltakohtaisesti vaihdellen):

  • Sidontaopetusta (Sisällöt kevyitä, ei työpajaformaaleita).
  • Sessioesityksiä paikallisen yhteisön, sekä vierailevien artistien toimesta.
  • Artist talkit
  • DJ / Live äänimaisemia / iltaa varten luotuja inspiroivia ja tunnelmaan saattelevia soittolistoja.
  • Luottamusta ja keskinäistä kunnioitusta korostava turvallisempi tila.
  • Pieni kahvio josta kahvia/teetä/välipalaa pikkurahalla.

Iltakohtaiset sisällöt ja etiketti tiedotetaan tapahtumainfoissa.


Please note: This is an inclusive and respectful event. All participants are expected to uphold a space of mutual respect and understanding. Read more about etiquette and negotiating from Studio Moth website.

Unfortunately there is no barrier-free access to the space. Accessible only by stairs to second floor.


How much participating costs?

10€ / visit. You can buy a ticket from online shop or pay with mobilepay/cash on arrival. If paying on site, please let the organizer know beforehand that you are coming.

Do I need a tying partner before I visit?

It is not necessary to have tying partner ready but if you want to make sure you get to do some tying you should find one beforehand. There is always an obligatory starting circle in beginning of the evening for going through rules and etiquette. You can use the opportunity there to introduce yourself and what your expectations and wishes for the evening are.

How to get there?

There is plenty of parking space in front of the studio for those coming by car and local bus no.1 comes to the closest stop AMIRAALI E, from where it is a few minutes’ walk to Tikkutehtaantie 2. There is a Studio Moth sign next to the door. The entry is just next to the big chimney (check the maps screenshot on the bottom).

Do I need own ropes?

There are communal ropes you can use.

What if I just want to follow from the distance?

That is absolutely fine! Evenings are for socializing and having a good time. You can just sit back and enjoy the atmosphere.

Are people drinking in these events?

We have zero tolerance for visibly intoxicated presence in regular Rope Nights and tying under influence of alcohol is prohibited. If you want to have one after tying sessions as relaxing while enjoying the rest of the night it is fine though. This is pretty rare thought in regular events.

A bit nervous of coming alone

Do not worry! The core idea of Rope Nights is to be an open, relaxed, warm and permissive space for everyone. You can come without any preconceptions to meet people with similar interests.

Etiquette & Session negotiations

Get familiar with etiquette and preparing for a session – Negotiation