
Author: Studio Moth

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Kontrollia köysillä: vallansiirto ja sidonta

Työpajainfo Jatkamme hyväksi todetulla linjalla ja tuomme lisää Helsinki Shibari -yhteisön aktiiveja Jyväskylään. Tällä kertaa syvemmälle valta-dynamiikan jännitteisiin meidät johdattavat…

What happens at RopeJams?

Maybe you are new to shibari or otherwise undecided on coming to Rope Jams so here is a little info…

Shibari performance evening – fri 28.1.22

We will start our Shibari workshop weekend with a little get together on friday evening. Come join us at Moth…

Etiquette & Consent

Studio rules creating safer spaces is best achieved with culture setting rather than policing and hard rules. For this reason,…

Learn shibari with Ceci Ferox

Ceci Ferox is staying with us for the weekend, teaching two 4 hour workshops and offering private lessons. Come to…

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