
Moth goes Kink Vol.2




What once was a party is now a festival! It feels so heartwarming to see your children grow 🙂

This year, Moth Goes Kink Vol. 2 will take place at a truly special location in Central Finland—a two-day retreat for 150+ souls of all flavors. Over the course of this weekend, we’ll dive into workshops, lectures, play and chill areas, a vibrant bazaar, mesmerizing performances, live music, DJ sets, and dancing. Everything you loved last time, but bigger… by a lot!

Up-to-Date program information on festival page.

Purchase terms:

You need to have real name and address in purchase information as you will receive you festival package home. This is also due the fact that this is a private event and by law we need to know every guest in the premises. So participating anonymously is not possible.

  • Moth goes Kink Vol.2 is a private festival. Therefore we want to know everyone wanting to participate a bit. In best case scenario you have some sort of online existence or personally have mutual acquaintance’s for reputation checking. No entrance admitted automatically so be prepared to have this conversation 🙂
  • Therefore it is also not possible to re-sell entrance admission forward without running it through festival organization.
  • Purchased tickets are refunded only in a situation where the whole festival is cancelled.
    • Creating a big festival with expenses over 10 000€ is a huge financial risk and predictability on income is crucial in making this happen. Thank you for your understanding and support in making subculture events like this possible in future as well.